Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tidbits from the end of May

There is not a lot on the calendar this week.

The O'Reilly signs were being installed on Tuesday.
 There was some money left over from the construction of the high rate treatment plant and the City Council decided to use it to line a tile or pipe that runs from the power plant to Lincoln and beyond. When the contractor put the TV camera in to check the state of the pipe, they found that where the pipe crosses Jefferson Street another pipe entered and it protruded into the larger pipe. That would interfere with the lining process, so there will be a manhole installed to provide access. Below you can see the hole with the two pipes.
 I enjoy watching the progression of plants in various planting of native species. The blue flag has done very well in the retention pond in Iroquois Park. This is a native iris that was one very common in our area. There are also weeds and trees growing, and I suspect that if there is no burning or thinning of trees, eventually the trees will take over.
 I noticed cement blocks in the parking lot south of Justin Hall at SJC. I wonder if they will be used to block some of the access roads.
Lawn crews are mowing grass close to roads and sidewalks but letting the grass grow in the interior of large lawns and fields.

In Fowler, Camer1 had decorated a wind turbine blade and a building.


  1. The concrete blocks ARE being used to block off access to parking lots and some access roads.
    The reason they took down the fence is because they have to maintain insurance and they would have been dropped if access to the lake was not limited. Instead of going out to buy fence, they are recycling what is already on campus.
    The reason the inner grass is being allowed to grow is because it can be harvested and sold to earn some funds for other things at the school.

  2. The concrete blocks ARE being used to block off access to parking lots and some access roads.

    The reason they took down the fence is because they have to maintain insurance and they would have been dropped if access to the lake was not limited. Instead of going out to buy fence, they are recycling what is already on campus.

    The reason the inner grass is being allowed to grow is because it can be harvested and sold to earn some funds for other things at the school.

    I used to work there and I still have faith that things are going to work out. Saint Joe will be back. It might not look or feel the same, but I believe it will return. This is a good chance to demonstrate faith.


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