Monday, July 10, 2017

A busy weekend part one

Saturday was JC Cruiser Car Show and Cruise Night, two popular summer events. I wandered over to the car show in the morning to see what was coming in. I wondered how this car handles speed bumps.
 There was a wide assortment of cars and I thought the event looked bigger than usual. On Facebook Visit Rensselaer wrote it had over 130 entries, the most ever.
 It had old cars and some very strange cars.
 There were some shirts that had the logo, "Make America Cruise Again." I do not know if these were those shirts or not.
 There were lots of trophies to be won.
 There were several food vendors. The one on the right was providing food for a fundraiser for the RCHS band.
 This little vehicle caught my attention. I could not remember seeing anything like it.
 It had its history on a board. It is a Crosley, made in Indiana. Here is the wikipedia entry on the car and the company. There were very few made.
 I had intended to come back later but I did some other things and was too tired in the afternoon to make the return visit. However, I did get out to see the Cruise. Below may be the oldest vehicle in the Cruise.

A nice contrast.
 Below is another old car. I saw the new County Fair Court and snapped a picture, but it was blurry. This year there are only three members. The Fair Queen also won Miss Congeniality.
 As I was heading south along College a large pack of motorcycles passed me.
A bit later I saw them at the Wagon Wheel.
 The whole parade route that I saw was full of spectators. It was a wonderful night to sit and watch cars and people.

 The Rotary Club had its food booth by the Kentland Bank.
 Not all of the old cars are in pristine condition.
Part two will look at some other things happening this past weekend.

This is Newton County Fair week.

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