Friday, July 14, 2017

Punkin Vine Fair

For the first time in quite a few years, I paid a visit to the Newton County Fair, aka The Punkin Vine Fair. The Newton County bisontennial bison was guarding the commercial building.
 There were a lot of horses and like the Jasper County Fair, they are kept at a distance from the other animals on exhibit.
 The antique tractors had a parade.
 The 4H building was full of projects. Some had multiple ribbons.
I am always impressed at how big cabbages can get. My cabbages have still not developed heads that can be harvested. I expected to see lots of red tomatoes and did not.
 The Domestic Arts building has an interesting design and stands out because it is not another generic metal building. It also stands out because it has a mural on one side.
 On the other side is a prairie planting that was done by the Nature Conservancy.
A banner advertised the location of an ATM machine.
Kids were enjoying the carnival rides.
 The big swing was popular with older kids.
 The free stage had a group called Highland Reign. Here is their web page and here are videos they have uploaded to Youtube.
 The attraction in the grandstand was tractor pulls. The machines made a lot of noise.
Next week is Jasper County's turn.

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