Monday, September 11, 2017

Busy weekend

Rensselaer Central had its homecoming on Friday night, with the homecoming parade on Thursday evening. Most of the pictures I took did not turn out well--I was shooting into the light. I thought the Kiss float was the best of the class floats.
 I never did figure out what the point of the freshman float was.
 On Saturday morning the school hosted the annual Rensselaer Cross Country Invitational, which is a bit different from other cross country meets because the races are run by grade. Some of the Rensselaer runners did very well. Results for the middle school are here and for the high school here.

This was Little Cousin Jasper Festival weekend. The horses were back. The woman in the picture, who helped with the rides, also played violin on Saturday and was very good.
 Most of the acts on the main stage were musical.
 This group was very loud.
After the parade on Saturday, many people stuck around to try the festival food.
 There was a climbing tower on Saturday. It was gone on Sunday.
 The fellow who portrayed Abe Lincoln last year was back this year as James Whitcomb Riley. Monday's Rensselaer Republican had a story telling all about him.

On Sunday most of the entertainment was in the gazebo because the lumberjack show was on Washington Street and they were very loud.
 Even though the Purdue Train was really just a truck, lots of people wanted to take a ride.
 The last big act on Sunday was the lumberjack show. They had carvings made with a chain saw for sale.
 The show had two competitors and an emcee.
After the show they had to drive back to Stillwater, Minnesota and the fellow in the picture above had to continue on to Duluth.

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