Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ribbon cutting

Fenwick Farms Brewing Company had its official ribbon cutting on Tuesday afternoon,
 These vats may soon be moved next door.
 The demolition of the old bridge is finished and now work has started on the rebuilding. The steel I-Beams were put in place on Tuesday, but they may not be part of the final product. The supports seem to be preformed concrete beams.
 The current exhibit in the Historical Society Museum is about county schools. There were three of the old township schools that looked very similar. The two others that looked like this were Hanging Grove and South Barkley. This one was the Newland School and you might be able to make out the name on the front if you click on it and view it at full size.

1 comment:

  1. I was in the last 8th grade class that graduated from Newland School in May, 1960. I went there from 1st through 8th grades. Some of my teachers were Miss Waymire, Mrs. Effinger, Mrs. Dunkelburger, Mr. Myers, and Mr. Cover.


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