Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pouring concrete for the bridge and a funny e-mail

Tuesday morning the cement trucks started arriving for the Washington Street Bridge pour. By about 10:30 half the bridge was finished.
 When I arrived there were no concrete trucks, but in a few minutes three arrived. The guys in the hard hats are state employees who take samples of the concrete so they can test it back at the lab.
 The concrete goes up through the pipes and then is poured out onto the bridge. The boom was controlled by a man with a portable console who was standing along the side of the bridge. The yellow boom had a machine that you can see in the middle of the picture below that smoothed the concrete.
 By one o'clock they had finished pouring the concrete and were cleaning up. There is still some rebar showing along the edges and that will probably be for the rail and the sidewalks, so there is still some more concrete needed. And the bridge approaches are totally unfinished.
This morning I got a letter from Bernie Madoff telling me he was going to make me rich. Here is the letter:

Hello Dear

I am Bernie Madoff the founder of wall street firm Bernard L. Madoff investment securities LLC in 1960 and was the former chairman of NASDAQ. I was accused of fraud worth over $65 billion dollars and was arrested on Dec 11,2008 and on march 12,2009.I pleaded guilty to 11 federal crimes and admitted to operated the largest ponzi scheme in history, I am currently in Butner federal prison outside Durham, North Carolina, serving a 150-year sentence, I regret a lot of my mistakes and I want to make amends with the remaining days i have left, giving the people back what I stole from them.

Let me not go into many details. I have Millions of Euros in offshore financial house, This money nobody knows about it except my bank officers because the money was deposited under serial codes. I need your help right now not only to reinvest the money.50% will go to charity and 20% will be mapped out for the promotion of gospel and building of churches and mosques all over the world and 25% for you while 4% goes to the bank officials who will help you facilitate the transaction and 1% for my up keeping in the prison and I know that I will die soon because of my heart attack and kidney cancer. Ruth my wife will not come and visit or talk to me my two sons, Mark committed suicide in 2010, and Andrew died of cancer in 2014. I want to die knowing that i have touch life and make a difference please I want this business to be completed as soon as possible.

Kind respect
Bernie Madoff

It was in my spam folder and I rarely look at stuff there, but I was curious when I saw the name. It is the funniest example of the Nigerian Scam that I have ever seen. Unfortunately there probably are people stupid enough (and dishonest enough) to fall for this.

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