Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Final auction, new police chief, and a few other tidbits

Last Friday and Saturday SJC had the final sale of furnishings that they were getting rid of.  On Friday two auctioneers sold simultaneously and on Saturday only one was needed.
 I was enjoying the holiday so I missed the sale. I did stop in shortly after the end and people were hauling out their purchases. Talking to one buyer, I found that the final sale was for all the stuff that had not been sold. (Sometimes no one will bid on a lot.) The remainders, and I assume there were quite a few, sold for $10. So everything sold.
On Monday evening the Rensselaer City Council met. The big item on the agenda was the announcement of the new chief of police. Jeff Phillips is retiring at the end of the year, hence a new chief is needed. After interviews, the Mayor and Chief Phillips selected Matthew Anderson, whose current rank is Lieutenant and who has been with the department for 19 years. He will assume office on January 1, 2018. The Rensselaer Republican has a full report and there are some other pictures here.

In other business, the Council accepted a recommendation to grant the construction contract for well #8 and the connection of the well to the water treatment plant to LGS, which had the low bid of $1,016,360. Supply bids for unleaded gas and diesel were awarded to Ceres Solution and for tires to Wonderland Tires, formerly known as Cooper Tires. The Council approved the purchase of a new forklift for about $25K by the gas department. The old one has little value and will not start. The Council waived the building permit for the new police station (the old fire house). Some demolition may start soon on the site.  The Watt substation on Bunkum Road still has some minor things that have to be done but it is scheduled to go into service during the week of December 18.

The entire meeting lasted about half an hour.

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