Sunday, February 11, 2018

Halleck murals, panels 3 & 4

Saint Joseph's College got its start in 1891, though it was not at that time what we today would recognize as a college. Its students were largely high school students with some in the first two years of college, or today's junior college.

Because Halleck Hall has had offices invade the spaces that were lounges when the murals were painted, I could not get panel 3 in one photograph. Below is the left side of the panel.

 Next is the middle of the panel.
 And finally the right edge, most of which is also in the middle picture shown above.
In the middle panel the priest is pointing to the regular schedule that the students follow. The students did not have individual rooms but slept in a large common room with many beds, something that was once common and now is rare or non-existent in schools.
 The explanation of panel 3 is below. To get a larger view of the picture, click on it to open it in a new window.
 Panel 4 highlights events of the early twentieth century.
 A 1914 fire destroyed a gymnasium built in 1905.
 Below is the explanation for panel 4. (Again, click a picture to open it in a new window if you want a larger size.)
(Panels 1 & 2 are here. Panels 5 & 6 are here.)

1 comment:

  1. Were these photos taken since the closure? There was word around this summer that Halleck had been left unsecured, and as a result had been raided by varmints.


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