Wednesday, March 7, 2018

More from Monday's Meetings (part 1)

The previous post discussed a couple of items from Monday's Commissioners meeting. As is usually the case, there were many others.

A representative from Lafayette Bank and Trust wanted permission to inform county employees of a special checking account that they currently offer to first responders and  will make available to county employees. The Commissioners noted that whatever they do for Lafayette Bank they will do for any other bank if asked.

Animal Control received permission to replace a part-time employee who resigned. It would also like to build an addition to its main building and thinks it can fund that through donations. The Commissioners were agreeable if there are no bills coming to county as a result. The County Highway Department noted that with the overtime due to flooding and snow, employees had accumulated a great deal of comp time. The Commissioners want them to decide to use it or cash it in to get back to the limit that employees are supposed to have.

The representative from Honeywell said that the proposal for a committee to prioritize projects had been well received and two members of the Council had been appointed to the Committee. Serving on the Committee will be Council members Andree and Fritts, Commissioner Culp, and two maintenance employees. The next Council meeting will be a week early, on the 13th.

The rezone for Heartland Sustainable Farms was quickly approved. Also approved were mowing bids that the Sheriff had received. The Sheriff then requested permission to replace two uninterruptible power supplies with a single unit. The old ones need maintenance that will cost about as much as replacing them. They ensure that power will be on in the interval between a grid failure and the start-up of the back-up generators. The Sheriff noted that about 30,000 sand bags had been filled in the recent flooding.

The Economic Development director said that there is now movement on the proposed travel center at the DeMotte interstate exit. Construction may start this summer. The Airport Director reported that the president of the Airport Commission had resigned and that the Commissioners needs to fill the vacancy. He also reported that the traffic report conducted every three years at 70 Indiana airports showed a significant increase in takeoffs and landings at the Jasper County Airport. In 2014 Jasper County was 49th busiest with 6000 takeoff and landings and in 2017 it was 37th with 9542.

This post is long enough. Part 2 will look at what else happened on Monday.

I need a picture or two. Here are some pictures from Weston Cemetery. The flood waters deposited this large tree in Weston.
Near it are the remains of a much smaller tree that apparently was cut down by beavers.
Here is another tree that the beavers attacked. The Rensselaer Urban Forest people planted these and are not too happy that the beavers seem to be enjoying them.
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