Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pictures to end the week

The Wall is open for visitors around the clock. Several LED lighting fixtures have been installed to illuminate it at night. The picture below was taken before sunrise on Saturday. I asked the volunteers if many people visited during the night and was told that there were very few.
 There were many during the day on Saturday.
 Everyone in town could hear the Huey helicopter. I was told that anyone who was willing to pay the admission price of $100 could take a ride.
 The Community Band performed in the afternoon.
 The wall itself has no decorations, just names.
 The typeface is Optima by type designer Hermann Zapf.

Most people had the day off but not the construction crew for the solar farm. They were at work on Saturday. Some of the panels have arrived.
 There is a new art show at the Carnegie Center. The picture below may look like a photograph but it was done in colored pencil.
 This large painting of a woman is striking.
 I also liked this landscape with deer. Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favorite painting and the top three vote getters will receive a reward.
The show is the first annual PAC Member Art Show and will run until June 14. It replaces the former annual photography exhibit. The Fending Gallery is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon until 4:00 and Saturday noon until 2:00.

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