Monday, July 9, 2018

Busy Saturday

July is full of events and one of the busiest days of the month is the Saturday after the Fourth. I began by skipping the things happening in Rensselaer and drove north to pick blueberries. Lots of other people had the same idea, including two groups that I recognized from Rensselaer.

When I got back I headed to Brookside Park to wander the car show. I always enjoy seeing cars older than I am.

This green vehicle made a tremendous amount of noise as it drove into place.
The car show had a lot of cars on display and a lot of people checking out the cars. The weather was ideal for the event.

Next I headed for the airport and the fly-in, with a stop at the Jasper County Fairgrounds. There was some kind of event going on in the horse arena/horse barn area, but I did not stop to see what it was. The food stand for one of the churches (I think from DeMotte) was being renovated with a lot of people helping out. This booth is just to the east of the Commercial Building.
Workers were putting a new roof on the Community Building. I was told that the old roof was almost 40 years old.
Though the Fair does not open to the public until this coming Saturday, parts of the fair will begin this week. 4H entries will begin arriving on Tuesday and will be judged before the Fair opens. Dogs and cats have their judging before Saturday. And last week the new Fair Queen and her Court were selected.

Across the highway the Jasper County Airport recently put up a new sign. You can read more about it on the airport website.
When I was there the fly-in seemed to be pretty quiet.
In the evening the annual Cruise Night began. The weather was ideal and there were hundreds of people lining the route. Below you can see a few of them sitting by Flat Iron Park.

Not everyone had lawn chairs. A monster truck provided a vantage point for some onlookers. Is it more fun to watch the cruise or drive in it?
There were many onlookers in Milroy Park.
I saw this old car with a golf cart that mimicked a car in the Save-A-Lot parking lot. I wonder if either vehicle or both took part in the Cruise.

On Friday I noticed what may have been the last bit of landscaping work for the Sparling Avenue sidewalk. (I guess the work will not be officially over until the port-potty further south on the sidewalk is removed.)
The little bit of trail that connects the loop in Potawatomie Park to College Avenue is now finished.
Only a few more days until the County's biggest festival, the County Fair, opens.

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