Monday, October 22, 2018

Out of town

I missed everything that happened over the weekend in Rensselaer. I was out of town.

We drove up to Midway Airport early Friday morning. I could not believe how many trucks and how much traffic was on I-65 at 4:00 am. It did appear that the expansion to three lanes from Crown Point to Lowell is mostly done, but perhaps daylight would tell a different story.

A few hours later we touched down at our destination. The trip was for a family event.
 I was struck by how many of these little scooters littered the sidewalks. They were everywhere and there were quite a few people using them.
 I think they may have killed this business.
 We stayed in a modern hotel. It was not this one, which no longer serves as a hotel.
 Our destination was very touristy. It had a river walk.
 People could get the water experience. On the water with water in the air.
 This was a marquis for a business along the water.
 I was not impressed with some of the service we got in restaurants, but this one was the exception. It had perhaps the best waiter I have ever witnessed.
 Sightseeing we visited one of America's most famous sites.
Here is a better picture of the building.

Some of the vegetation was quite different from Indiana vegetation.
Tourism is a big business.
 We visited a park that had this cat.
 It also had a very simple splash pad.
 Another historic structure was this old church.
 As we were leaving, we visited these gardens.
 These grackles are different from ours. They are a lot noisier, especially in the evening.
It is good to be back in Rensselaer. I like being other places but do not like the process of getting there and back.

Addendum: I was surprised to see that gas prices in Chicago were about 30¢ lower than prices in Rensselaer.

1 comment:

  1. You neglected to say where you visited. It appears to be San Antonio.


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