Saturday, November 17, 2018

Quilt display at the Historical Society Museum

The current exhibit at the Jasper County Historical Society is an display of quilts. Many of them are privately owned and are loaned to the Museum for this exhibit.
Quilts will be the topic of the monthly meeting of the Jasper County Historical Society on Tuesday evening (Nov 20) at 6:30. Members and guests are asked to share a special family quilt with the audience. If you are interested quilting, consider going to the meeting.
 This quilt is owned by the Historical Society and was made by the Rensselaer High School class of 1936. There are 72 blocks made by the seniors that year.
 More quilts.
There are over 50 quilts on display.
This crib caught my interest because of the sign. It was given to the Simon Parr Thompson family by one of the Van Rensselaers.

I was able to zoom in on the note in the original photo (I reduce all photos for this blog so they will load quickly).
Something else that caught my interest was a map on the wall. I may have had pictures of this one in the past. A lot of street names have changed since 1908.

Today the temperatures are above freezing and most of the snow has melted. While it was in the proper state for snowballs and snowmen, my neighbors kids built a couple of small snowmen, proof that winter is here.
In news of consequence, the intersection south of town at US 231 and SR 16 will soon be a four-way stop. I wonder how many accidents have happened there in the past few decades.


  1. There have been a lot of accidents at that intersection and even a few days after the most recent tragedy while waiting on SR16 to enter US 231 a Jasper County Highway Dept. truck flew thru the intersection going at least 70 mph. Appeared to carry a load of asphalt. I drove 70-72 mph toward Remington and never caught them. Need to crack down on all speeders!


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