Saturday, January 12, 2019


Some of the weather forecasts I saw for this weekend had Rensselaer on the northern edge of a big snow storm. The radar today, however, showed that the snow had gone north of the forecast and we were in the middle, not the edge, of the area of snow. It has been snowing all day. The snow seems a bit dry for snowmen, but my neighbors managed a small one.
 Below is the view of Lincoln Avenue from the entrance of the Cemetery. The City has not plowed this street yet. The snow crew may be waiting for the snow to stop before they begin plowing.
 I keep watching the rapid changes at Autumn Trace behind Walmart. On Tuesday there were no trusses on the eastern half of the building. The view is from the parking lot of the Royal Oak Restaurant.
 On Friday morning the crew was finishing the trusses on the south east corner.
 On Saturday morning the trusses on this part were finished. There is still a pile of trusses and I think they are for the hallways between the four corner units.

There was not a lot of traffic Saturday morning. I think most people were avoiding unnecessary trips.

On Friday Ryan Musch of Embers shared a Youtube video on Facebook. It is a music video shot in Rensselaer, something that is unusual and worth noting. You should be able to identify some of the locations. You may also be able to identify one of the young people in the video.

If you go to Youtube to watch the video, you can find background information on how it was made and the identify of the local person in the video.

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