Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Another post on murals

On Tuesday afternoon Shawn Bullen was finishing his mural on the wall of Janet's Kitchen. The last element is a bee on a flower.
 Below is the mural as it appeared on Monday. I heard that the artist had been working at night. New in this one are the car and the duck.
Below is the finished result as of Wednesday morning. It is impossible to take a good picture of the entire mural with the equipment I have because the alley is so narrow at this point and the mural is so long.
The alley continues to attract tourists, some of them very young.
 On of the murals by Cameron Moberg is inside the Station at eMbers. It was done a couple years ago and will probably never be listed on the mural walk, but you have not seen all the murals unless you see it. You can contemplate it as you enjoy a pizza baked in the wood-fired oven.
 I do not know the story behind the painted shoes that are hanging over the alley.

There are seven of these little icons along the alley between Front Street and Van Rensselaer Street. Can you find them all?
 I found eight, but I do not think this one painted on wood in the discard pile is supposed to count. The others are all on buildings.
 On Monday evening dark clouds approached from the northwest and we got some rain. The light was very strange and I could not resist a picture. The picture would have been better if taken over farm fields.
This is the 22nd post for July. I have not had that many posts in a month since September of 2015. I blame the murals. (Five of the months in 2019 had less than ten posts.)

Blogger keeps a variety of statistics for this blog. One set that is kind of interesting is what operating system people are using to view these posts. Below are the data for July with a day left in the month.

Android and iPhone are both operating systems for phones, so about 1/2 of visits are done on mobile devices. With a mobile device the viewer sees the posts but does not see the right sidebar that has a variety of information visible to someone accessing the site on a computer. One of the things you can see in the sidebar is how many posts were made in each month (and also a calendar and a lot of links.)

The start of school is fast approaching. (See sidebar for the date.)


  1. Thanks for your coverage of murals, town events, meetings, etc., etc. all viewed, as you seem to be able to tell, on my computer. ;)

  2. You might drive out to Fair Oaks Farms to see some very interesting specialized equipment at the North American Manure Expo tomorrow. Stop by the Feed Barn.


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