Thursday, July 4, 2019

Murals on the 4th of July

The mural artists arrived this week and on Wednesday began transforming some of the walls in Rensselaer. The picture below was taken midday on Wednesday. A couple hours earlier the wall was still its original gray. 
In the evening the artists were busy working and had already finished a lot. If you get a chance, stop by and watch them work—it is fascinating to watch them.  They probably will not be working during the heat of the day.
This team of artists is only in Rensselaer because Lafayette hired them to do murals. We are piggybacking on what Lafayette is doing.
When I left on Wednesday evening, this butterfly was not on the wall. The picture was taken Thursday morning.

A sandhill crane is a very appropriate bird for this wall along the river.

The artist who is doing this grasshopper is also doing the side of the building facing the parking lot at the intersection of Washington and Van Rensselaer.

The bear is on the wall along the river. Some of the artists work from pictures. I took this photo because it contained the picture from which the artist worked.
 This face is in the alley.
 Facing it is this incomplete mural. It is on the eMbers building.
 This photo was taken on Wednesday evening. On Thursday morning the artist was working on it.

Several years ago I asked about the expression that corn should be "knee high by the Fourth of July" because it always seemed to be much higher than that. You can see the responses here.  This year it is hard to find corn that is knee high. I found some along Melville.
 Below is corn along Matheson. It is ankle high.
 The corn in this field along Wood Road is even smaller and the pond shows the reason that planting has been so late this year.

Perhaps the hot weather will help it catch up. The City power plant seems to be generating almost every afternoon and the water in the swimming pool is no longer cold. If the heat continues, it might soon be uncomfortably warm.

Have a nice 4th.

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