Monday, July 8, 2019

Rensselaer murals, mostly finished

As Sunday drew to a close, most of the Rensselaer murals were finished. One artist, Andres Iglesias, aka Cobre, of Argentina, was planning to travel to Chicago on Monday. On Sunday he added one more mural in the alley, a sign that will be popular for people posing for pictures. I am ashamed to admit that it took me a while to figure out what the lettering said—I kept seeing the N as a V.
Earlier in his career Cobre did a lot of lettering graffiti but recently he has focused on hyper-realistic faces. You can see a selection of his work on his Instagram page here.
Cobre's contribution to the parking-lot retaining wall was the bear.
 If you search for him on the Internet, you will find most of the entries are in Spanish. Here is one that is in English. Discover Jasper County featured him here.

The dandelions on either side of the bear were painted by Jenna Morello of New York City. Her website is here and it has many links, including some to interviews.
The lift is gone from the cone flower mural so I think Ms Morello is finished. She has in the past done quite a few flower murals.
She was still working through most of Sunday, adding little details to the shading.
 Below is what the mural looks like for someone stopped at the stoplight on US 231 and Van Rensselaer Street. It will be hard to miss for anyone traveling from the south through Rensselaer.
 In the background you can see the "Rensselaer" lettering that was done by Cameron Moberg, the artist of the bird on the eMbers building. Below is a detail of the second  third "E". Notice the corn-stalk silhouettes at the bottom of the letter.
 He has a website here and has posted pictures of his Rensselaer work on his Facebook page. Cameron did much of the retaining wall painting, but I am not sure exactly which of the images are his.

The wild birds are being done by Emily Ding from Texas. As of Sunday evening she was still not finished. Here is her website and here is a short article about her. Discover Jasper County featured her here.
 Chris Chanyang Shim of South Korea painted the striking woman in a Korean dress called a hanbok. Here is an article that explains why he paints this motif and here is his Instagram page. As of Sunday evening he was still working on the mural.
 This bird was painted on Saturday by Mitchell Schuring of Indianapolis who signs his works Metabyte. He has an Instagram page here.
 A new painting in the alley has an umbrella that invites people to pose with it. The person who did it made art rain down on Rensselaer this past week.
 On Sunday visitors to the alley were encouraged to add their own contributions to a small section of wall. Paint that the artists were no longer using was provided. The wall changed constantly during the afternoon, with the contributions of early painters often being painted over by later contributors.
There will be a final opportunity for the public to paint on Tuesday evening. That should be the final event in #RENARTWLK of 2019.


  1. Thank you, Bob. Your photos are grand as are the art murals.

  2. These are wonderful!


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