Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December already

Facebook has added a series of requirements for me to publish links to these posts on the Rensselaer Adventures account of Facebook. I do not want to do the things that they require, so I may no longer be publishing links to these posts on Facebook.

I was surprised to see on Facebook that Jenkins Realty had listed the Robert's car dealership property for sale. I stopped in to see what the story was. The business will stay open at least until the property sells.

The Commissioners met Monday for the first of their two December meetings. (They will also meet on the 27th to finish up anything that needs to be done before the 2019 ends.) They signed a contractual services agreement with Purdue Extension that helps pay for three Extension employees, up from two and three quarters currently. One position is vacant but will be filled. They then heard a request from Sheriff Williamson to allow him to use some 911 funds to pay for Spillman software. The Sheriff is convinced that this software will greatly help his department but the Commissioners have questions, largely, I think, because they have seen too many cases in the past where new purchases have not worked as promised. The Commissioners have a meeting with other county commissioners coming up and they want to discuss this matter with other commissioners to see what they are doing.

The Commissioners had rebid the contract for EMS services but when it was time to open the bids, they found that there was again only one, Phoenix Paramedic Services, and the price was identical to the original price. There was one difference in this bid request. Originally it was for a two-year contract, but on the rebid it was for one year with options to renew for two additional years. The bid was for $288,000 for the year but the Council had only budgeted $189,000. The Commissioners approved the contract for one year pending an appropriation from the Council. They still have to decide how much to subsidize the other three ambulance services in the County and will decide that at their December 27th meeting.

The County Highway Department wanted the Commissioners to prioritize projects for the next round of Community Crossings grants. There was a long discussion on this topic. Each Commissioner had a certain mileage to split up on different roads.

A representative from ARCEM, the company that provides IT services to the County, was up next. He said that Microsoft will soon stop supporting Windows 7 so ARCEM is updating computers to Windows 10. There is some legacy software that the County uses that will not run on Windows 10 so there are some computers that will not be updated. A DSL line will be installed to the former PNC Bank building to give it access to the internet until fiberoptic can be installed. This will allow Internet access and telephone service. The elevator will not work unless it has Internet access and the building cannot open without the elevator. Most of the cabling was installed before the drywall was installed but there is still a bit more cable that has to be installed. The goal is to have construction done by the 20th so offices can move over the Christmas holiday. The County has been happy with the service from ARCEM and the Commissioners will renew the contract at the Dec 27 meeting. They asked him about selling old cell phones—someone has been asking if the County will sell them. He said he will investigate if there was a cheap but effective way to wipe them. If there was not, it would be better to recycle them. Finally, the Commissioners asked him to talk to Spillman to see if there were any problems with compatibility of their software and the other software the County is using.

There was a short discussion of a bridge contract. The County had selected a bid for the reconstruction of a bridge in the north of the County and the repair of another bridge. They wanted the work done between harvest and planting but a start date for construction was not in the contract. However, the contract specified that the project was to be completed in 105 days. The contractor decided that if he started now or in January, the weather might cause delays and he might not be able to complete in 105 days. So he wants to start in March. The Commissioners signed the contract. They also approved an agreement for road ratings, something necessary for CMG grants from the state.

Financing for the Jail energy project has been finalized. The loan will be tax free for the bank and the bank will own the panels and will get the tax credit from them (which the County could not have gotten). The tax credit is a reason that the interest rate was as low as it was. The Commissioners approved a credit card ordinance that has rules for how County credit cards can be used. The Commissioners approved the meeting and holiday schedules for 2020. The February Commissioners meeting will be held on the second Monday rather than the first.

One of the offices that had been burned out in the Town Mall had approached a Commissioner about renting space in the former Youth Center on Sparling Avenue. The Commissioners were uncertain of what regulations they needed to follow to rent the space. The meeting ended a bit over three hours after it started.

In the afternoon the Drainage Board met. The most interesting case was of a woman who wanted an exception granted because her house had inadvertently encroached on the County's right-away for a small ditch. The encroachment caused problems in getting a mortgage. She had measured the distance, but not in the correct way. After a lot of discussion, they approved the encroachment with the provision that it be recorded on the property deed so that any future owners would know not to build on the easement, that she sign a hold-harmless agreement so that the County would not be liable for any damages it caused if it cleaned the ditch, and that she pay any legal fees for the recording of the encroachment.

There was a discussion of a Kankakee River project that I have not been paying attention to but which may be important to those living near the River.

The George Ade Golf Course is for sale and the current owners will not reopen it. Newton County may buy it. I saw a report on Facebook that the Trail Tree restaurant has closed.

The alley behind what was the Town Mall seems to be open now. Below you can see what is left of the Halloween mural.

 Cobre's Indiana mural is still there, but for how long? The wall is damaged.
 Below is a picture of the wreckage from the alley with a hint of R&M in the background.
 The Carnegie Center is having its windows redone.
 Some are out and being restored and others are waiting their turn. The building looks different now that all the trees have been cut down.
 The Christmas mural, which was planned to replace the Halloween mural, is not on a building wall but on a board next to the Station at Embers.
 If you want more color for posed pictures, you can use the back.
 As of Tuesday morning, there were only three trees on the Christmas Tree Walk in Potawatomie Park. Frosty Fest is scheduled for Saturday so there is still plenty of time for more trees to populate the park. The tree below is from Browns' Garden and Floral Shoppe.
 The Bethany Youth Group has a pretty tree.
 Franciscan Health has a Candy Cane Tree.
Santa's House will be at the Park this December instead of the Court House Square.
 As I left the Drainage Board meeting on Monday, I noticed that the old windows and front wall of the Horton Building had been removed. New windows and a new entrance are planned. A lot of work is being done to remodel this building.
 The concession stand for the new ball fields will have a large overhang, providing an area for people to sit and eat.


  1. Regarding your post about Charlie Roberts Auto Center property being up for sale. I called and they said that they are still open and will be until the property sells, then they will probably close. "But we'll see what happens" was their final comment. I always got good service from them, especially when I was out here visiting mother during the last 30 years and an unexpected car problem would occur.

  2. For your Facebook dilemma...instead of posting a link, just make a post that you have a current blog post. As long as you have your blog website listed on your Facebook page, people should be smart enough to find it.

  3. Facebook will not let me post anything until I send them a photo ID and I do not want to do that. They already know more about me than I want them to know. I am locked out of my account.


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