Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A new scam

On Monday I received the following in an e-mail:
Hi, Do you have an Amazon account? Thanks
It was from Lee and seemed to come from the husband of a woman who serves on a board with me. It thought it was a strange question, but I replied:
A basic account, not one of the enhanced ones. Why?
The reply back was:
Alright, am trying to get an Amazon E-gift card for my niece it’s her birthday but I don’t know what’s wrong with my amazon account it’s not going through and have called Amazon but it has not been resolved yet, can you please help me purchase an Amazon E-gift card over there from your amazon account? Let me know if you can handle this for me so i can send you my niece email address. Am only looking to spend $200 on it, I will reimburse you back as soon as possible.  You can do this from your non-prime account also.
Thank you once again
It did not sound right so I e-mailed the woman I knew and asked if it was legit.  She replied that it definitely was not legit. She said that her husband had been hacked and had lost all his emails and addresses. Since then they have been getting other scam e-mails that involve Amazon.

I thought it was clever in that it taps into people's willingness to help others. But if you think about it a bit, it does not make much sense.

Other than that, not much is happening because everything is shut down. I did apply for an absentee ballot for the upcoming primary by phoning the clerk's office. I got an application in the mail which I filled out and took to the drop box inside the first set of doors at the Court House. They have a new and improved box, not the one I pictured a week or so ago.

YNG is making face masks with their 3-D printers. The Rensselaer Republican had a nice article about them in its Saturday edition.

I noticed some little flowers in a yard this week.
It is Siberian Squill. It is not native and in some places has become invasive.

The grass is greening up and the maples are blooming but it is not warm enough yet to put away the winter coats or the snow shovel.


  1. Love Siberian Squill. Spring is spring forth finally.

  2. Amazon Simple Pay - Payment Instructions:
    Payment has to be made to the Amazon-Bank Account via Bank-to-Bank Wire Transfer. The payment will be held by Amazon until the buyer receives, examines, and accepts the item.
    Visit for more information Amazon Scam


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