Wednesday, May 27, 2020

18 minutes

The agenda for the City Council meeting on May 26 was short and resulted in a meeting that lasted only 18 minutes. It was another Zoom meeting.The only agenda item of significance was the Council's appointment of a Rensselaer Central School Board member. There were three applicants. The Council voted unanimously to appoint Rick Odle to the Board.

There were several announcements and progress reports. Mr Haun, the building inspector, reported that construction activity had picked up. Mr Effinger said that the Park Board would decide in its meeting on June 1 whether or not to open the pool this summer. Mr Daniels said that the recycling center had been open and people were asked to stay in their cars when dropping off recycling. Mr Overton complimented the Cemetery staff for the fine job they did decorating the Cemetery for Memorial Day.

At the last Park Board meeting someone said that the Morocco Pool would not be open this summer. That decision either was not made or has been reversed. The pool will be open this summer.

The Memorial Day commemoration at Weston Cemetery was brief this year. The featured speaker was State Representative Doug Gutwein. There was no seating set up and people were asked to stay in or near their cars.
Other things: The grass has come in nicely on the lot that was the Town Mall.
I saw a wedding reception downtown over the weekend. It is nice to see life coming back to normal.

Busy Bee has been open for about a week.
The foundation is in for the Fuller Center house on Elm. Further east, there is activity at the former Genova plant. Checking the Internet reveals that a Salt Lake City Company, Plastic Services and Products, has purchased the assets of Genova. There is not much information available that I can find.
The Horton-Yallaly Building has new windows on its Cullen Street side.

Concrete work was being done at the Blacker Fields in Brookside Park.
There are some unusual railroad machines parked in Rensselaer.

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