Saturday, September 5, 2020

A couple of exhibits

The Prairie Arts Council has a new show at the Fendig Gallery featuring art from Jasper County Art League Members. This is an annual show with a theme and this year the theme is "Reflections".
There are fewer works this year than in past years.
There are a number of mirrors among the art works, highlighting the reflections theme.

The inspiration for the painting below is Willow Slough.
You can see the reflection in the eye below, but what about the flower? It was created by the artist after reflection on the isolation during spring this year.
The picture below shows a lamp post in Wabash, the first city to install electric lights according to the note with the picture. Hanging from the lamp is a representation of an early electric-arc lamp, a reflection of the past.
The Gallery hours are noon to 4:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The show runs until the end of September.

Another exhibit that has involved a lot of work and is not yet available to the public is an exhibit at the Jasper County Historical Museum featuring Jasper County authors. Unfortunately, the museum is currently closed because of the Covid virus. The organizer of the exhibit has so far found about 90 people who can be called authors. A few had books that sold into the millions (such as Edison Marshall and Eleanor Stackhouse Atkinson), but most have quite modest readership.
 There are dozens of posters with a picture of the author, a short biography, and other information. The exhibit also includes some of the books or articles that the authors wrote.
It is an interesting and impressive display and sometime in the future it will be available to the public.

How many Jasper County authors can you name?

If you get up before sunrise, you may have noticed Venus in the morning sky. It is extremely bright.

In important news, Franciscan Health Rensselaer is planning to close its AlternaCare unit at the beginning of October. Details are in the Saturday Rensselaer Republican.

Here are some additions to the post on the Wolcott murals. The artist of the mural on the Dye Lumber building is Janson Rapisarda who signs his work CERA. More on him here, here, and here. The artist of the woman is Nicole Salgar. More on her here and here. The Republican has more on the Wolcott murals.

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