Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Not much

The City Council meeting on Monday evening lasted about fifteen minutes. The gas department reported that four of the eight pressure recording devices on regulator stations were not operational. They are 13 to 15 years old and replacement takes 8 to 10 weeks. The Council approved $20891 to replace them. The gas department will be changing the brands from Reynolds to Honeywell.

There is a memorial service being planned for Veterans Day November 11. The event is tentative and may be called off. The Council approved a new mower for Weston Cemetery. Finally, Stace Pickering announced that the Parks had signed a contract that will bring 13 weekend tournaments for the new Blacker Fields.

eMbers has installed what appears to be infrared heaters in their outdoor seating area. It will extend the time that people can dine outside.

Below is what was the basketball court in Brookside Park. 

The John Egan memorial bench in Milroy Park was dedicated on Saturday with a respectable crowd. The bench honors Egan's contribution to Rotary, where he served as a district president.

There are only few days until Halloween. If you do not want tricks-and-treaters this year, keep your porch light off.

1 comment:

  1. The basketball court in Brookside Park, and others, were built by Lion's Club members a long time agp--thought they should receive some recognition!
    Dave Vohlken


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