Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The trees are bare

The trees are bare. Whatever leaves they had last week were blown down by the strong winds over the weekend.
The Airport Authority Board met on Thursday afternoon. I attended via a link with Free Conference Call (a meeting that did not use Zoom!) and for a while I think I was the only person on-line. The items discussed were mostly day-to-day problems.

There are no vacancies in the hangars. There is a prospect of building a new hangar next year, and if it happens, it will be mostly financed with federal dollars. Fuel sales are mediocre. There was a discussion of how to clear trees from the north part of the Phegley lot that the Airport recently purchased. Later there was a discussion of how that lot is taxed. The part that was financed with federal dollars should be tax free but the southern part is taxable, at least for now. The Board approved a motion to split the lot into the taxable and not-taxable parts for clarity.

There were various maintenance issues discussed. The Airport hired a consultant to prepare a master plan and from my understanding of the discussion, the Airport is not happy with the product that has been produced. It seemed to be based on previous plans for larger airports. There was also discussion of on-going efforts to get aviation-related classes at area high schools and Ivy Tech.

On Friday morning JECDO hosted another roundtable on Zoom. It attracted 19 people at its peak. The focus of the meeting was COVID, with special guests Kendell Culp and Carlos Vasquez. 

Jasper County has had 1060 positive tests and seven COVID-related deaths. The virus has gotten into the Care Center, affecting both residents and staff. County offices are open, but by appointment only. With CARES Act funding the County purchased 50 laptops to allow employees to work at home and they will become their main computer when they return to the office as the desktops are retired.

The Hospital still requires a doctor's permission for a COVID test, but CVS does not. The Hospital is working to get a testing site at the Kankakee Township Fire Station. COVID has also invaded the George Ade facility in Newton County. The Hospital had 16 resident patients, with five in isolation, but it was not clear how many were COVID positive. The problem the Hospital has is not rooms but staff. If a staff member tests positive, he or she must isolate. Also, when schools or day-cares close, some staff will stay home to care for children. Jasper County is close to being declared red, and if so, the Hospital will be closed to visitors and elective surgery. 

Dr Steven Vuckovic from the Hospital said that they are seeing increased numbers of COVID cases and that it takes time to confirm the disease. Most cases they have seen are mild or moderate. Sister hospitals are near or at capacity, so it can be a challenge to find a place for a COVID patient. The Hospital encourages people who have recovered from COVID to donate plasma.

Mr Vasquez said that the hospital had its first plasma transfusion last week. He expect a busy end of the year because people who have unused benefits will use them for elective procedures. The hospital has four ventilators but none is in use.

It was then time for the roundtable in which people on Zoom were asked for their input. Curtis Craig from Rensselaer Central Schools said that the schools have had 23 positive cases so far this year but no new cases in the last week. Staffing is their big concern. 

The Library remains open but with limitations. The Jasper County Historical meeting for November has been canceled. State Senator Ed Charbonneau noted that the 2021 legislative session will start Tuesday. It will be strange because of distancing. Hearings will have witnesses appear on-line. The House will meet in the government center to allow greater distancing. There will be a December round table meeting.

The Saint Augustine Bazaar took place on Thursday. The meal was served by drive-thru and almost 800 meals were served. The line had to shut down early because it ran out of turkey. The traditional big wheel raffle, where one buys a chance to win a prize, was done on-line this year using poker chips drawn from a can. People had to pre-buy their chances in blocks of 25. There was also a silent auction done on-line and it may have been the most successful silent auction that the Bazaar has had.

Saint Luke Lutheran Church had its annual Turkey Dinner scheduled for the 21st. It decided to cancel.

Update and correction: The hangar project, if it goes through, will be financed from the Airport budget, not FAA funding. The master plan is still in very early stages, with the issue currently being worked on is the scope of the plan. The entire plan will take about two years. As I hinted above, I do not understand the master plan, the what and why of it. 

1 comment:

  1. i hope the blog last as long as I do..Yours and your daughters have been my favorite spots since she got married and had the children...I has been fun seeing them grow up. Your blog has kept me up to date on all the happenings in my old home town...I dont live there any more but still have great memories and some great friends there..



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