Tuesday, January 12, 2021

On-line meetings

 After several dark and gloomy days, the sun came out on Tuesday. Days are getting longer by more than a minute per day. Most of the lengthening is in the afternoon. There is still snow left from the inch or two that we got more than a week ago.

The Jasper County Tourism Commission had a very short meeting Friday morning. There were no funding requests and there should be fewer this year than in previous years because some of the events that were funded for 2020 did not take place. The funding provided by Tourism was not reclaimed but was left with the event on the understanding it would be used this year.

The tourism webpage has been updated but the nature preserves tab is not there yet. In November it had 3386 page views. The feasibility study for athletic tourism will be presenting in February. The number one request that the consultants heard in doing their research was for a dome. Cameron Moberg will be in DeMotte at the beginning of June to do a mural. DeMotte will also be getting a sculpture. 

On Monday afternoon the Rensselaer Bureau of Public Works met and approved a payment to Commonwealth Engineers for planning work on sewer extension and a new lift station. Half an hour later the City Council met. It approved a gas tracker reduction of 4¢ per hundred cubic feet for January. There was a lively discussion on an offer by the Brook Fire Department to purchase the Rensselaer aerial truck. To be compliant with State law, the sale needs to be advertised and open for bids. Rensselaer does not expect to take delivery of a new truck until late October or November. The issue discussed was whether Rensselaer should advertise and sell when it gets a bid, which almost certainly would be well before late October. That would leave the City without the services of an aerial truck for several months. A motion to advertise and sell immediately was defeated by a 2 to 3 vote. A motion was then made to advertise and deliver the truck when a new truck arrived. That was withdrawn for a motion to advertise with the provision that the truck might not be delivered for 90 days after the purchase agreement. It passed 4 to 1. 

The Council approved $37,019 for a new Water Department truck. The current 2001 truck can no longer be used. It also approved $4940 for a pontoon replacement for the sewage plant. The current one has several leaks.

Mr Cover relayed a suggestion from a citizen that there should be a senior citizen rate for garbage pickup. The Mayor commented that he had heard from snowbirds saying they should not have to pay the fee when they gone south. The issue will be addressed, but perhaps not until new trucks and containers are ordered. Then some people may be allowed to opt for a smaller container.

One of the members reminded the rest of the Council that they needed to elect a president for 2021. They agreed to retain Mr. Cover as president.

In the superintendents reports Mr. Larson requested permission to seek bids to rebuild the storage building that the Line Department has at Melville and Vine. He would like an 80' by 100' building. His request was approved.

I normally do not attend Animal Control Board meetings because they (and the Library Board) meet at the same time the Rensselaer City Council does. However, because the Council met via Zoom, it moved the time of its meeting to 4:00 and because I found the Zoom link to the Animal Control Board, I logged in. In 2020 the shelter had 121 adoptions, 82 reclaims, and 102 rescues. It answered 465 calls, 38 of which were after hours. It had 110 bite cases and issued 158 citations or warnings. Their next meeting will be February 8 at the Sparling Annex.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for listening to these meetings and reporting their news.


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