Monday, March 1, 2021

Annual Regional Art Show 2021

It is amazing how quickly our snow has melted with the warmer weather. The big piles that the snowplows made remain, but almost all the snow that was on lawns or fields is gone.

I heard several groups of sandhill cranes flying overhead on Saturday but could not see them. I also heard a killdeer. Birds are coming north.

There is a new not-for-profit organization forming, the Jasper House. It does not yet have a website but it does have a Facebook page and a logo. The mission statement from the Facebook page is, "We are an application-pending 501c3 nonprofit. Working with local organizations and law enforcement, we are quantifying local homelessness in order to connect homeless with available resources including affordable transitional housing."

The Fendig Gallery at the Carnegie Center is hosting the annual Regional High School Art Show that will end this week. To visit, one needs to make an appointment, which is why I did not bother to visit the Primary School Art Show earlier this month. 

There are some colorful walls of pictures from surrounding schools.
Two of the self-portraits on this wall identify the year as 2021.
More pictures from a different school, but with another masked self portrait.
I saw only one work made with typefaces. As someone who has spent a lot of time with typefaces, I pay more attention to these than most other people.
I bought an op-art print 50 years ago, so this picture also caught my attention.
On Saturday when I visited, the awards had been made and this picture of bones had an award-of-excellence ribbon.
The runner-up for best of show was this ceramic fish. 
And the best-of-show ribbon was on this watercolor painting titled "Frenzy."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the walk through of the high school area artists. You can visit the show live from noon to 4 PM on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.


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