Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Mural week 2021 Day 3

Monday was day three of Mural Week 2021. For days one and two, see the previous post.

The back of Rule Auto Care has been prepped for a mural. The artist may start Tuesday. He signs work "Neverxtinct" and here may be his Instagram page.

Below is the mural on the side of the Jasper County Abstract Company as it appeared on Monday morning. Morning is the best time to take a picture of this mural because it is in the light, not in the shadow.

I was surprised to see that Ian Ross and his wife are decorating not just the side of the building but also the back.
Below is the mural on Fenwick Farms Brewing as it appeared Monday evening.
I think Miss Allen is finished or almost finished with this wall on Rule's Auto Care. On Monday afternoon she was working on the garage door on the left side of the picture. 
The mural of the octopus is getting more detail but it is hard to get a good picture in the late afternoon. Morning is the best time to photograph it.
It looks like Kristine Campbell has finshed or mostly finished the car because she has begun work on the gears. The number of gears will be the number of Rule children.
The two girls in the alley had faces on Monday evening. 
I passed by Walmart on Monday and was surprised to see 24 parking spaces that seem to be reserved for customers picking up merchandise. I know Walmart lets you order things on-line that are not in the local store and pick them up in a day or two. Are they expecting this part of their business to be growing that much or are there other reasons for so many parking slots for pickup?

On Monday evening the Jasper County Plan Commission met at the Sparling Annex. They had a Zoom option for several people and as has been the case with almost all of the hybrid meetings, the audio was less than ideal. They had only one item on the agenda, a rezone from A1 to A3 for a 37-acre parcel in Gillam Township. The development planned here is part of a pipeline that will take methane gas produced from cattle manure at two dairies, transform it into natural gas, and inject it into a natural gas pipeline. The parcel is at the location where the injection will occur and the plant that transforms the methane will be built here. The owners of the parcel wanted the whole parcel rezoned because they expect future expansion. Work on the five-mile pipeline is scheduled to start in August and it is hoped that work on the methane processing plant may start in September or October. The Board recommended to the Commissioners that they approve the rezone.

If there is an agenda for an August meeting, the meeting will be held on the 16th, perhaps at the Court House and probably without a Zoom option. If someone needs to attend remotely, there are other applications that can be used that may provide better audio. 

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