Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Honoring the dead

On Sunday there was a event in Weston Cemetery to commemorate three men buried there who served in the War of 1812: William Grant, Moses Marion, and Phineas Thorton. They are all buried in the eastern part of the Cemetery, but on opposite corners of Sections A and D. As part of the ceremony, re-enactors dressed in the uniforms of the day shot a volley from their muskets over each of the graves.

There was a good-sized group of onlookers. The event was organized by the Captain John Jackson Chapter of the National Society United States Daughters of 1912.
Below is the marker for Phineas Thornton showing the 1812 marker that was added to his grave.
One of these men, Moses Marion, will be featured on this year's Weston Cemetery Walk.

Speaking of the deceased, the Jasper-Newton Foundation added an article about one of the people who had endowed several of their funds, William Leopold. He was the great grandson of Abraham Leopold, one of the very influential merchants and citizens in 19th-century Rensselaer. He and his father ran the Home Finance Company years ago. I have no recollection of that business; perhaps it was gone by the time I arrived in Rensselaer. Does anyone know anything about it?

On Saturday the inaugural Jasper Jaunt took place. It was a bicycle ride that had focused on agri-tourism. About 25-30 riders participated. Below the riders are ready to start the ride from Potawatomie Park.

The organizer of the event is leaving the Jasper County Economic Development Organization for another position and JCEDO is currently trying to fill the position.

The digital sign by the Court House seems to be finished.
Expansion of the local McDonald's is underway. The expansion needed a variance that was approved in June.
Pizza Hut has been undergoing renovations to its dining room.

On Monday evening the Rensselaer Board of Public Works met. It approved adding a uniform option for the Police Department and approved a promotion of Patrolman 2nd Class to a recent addition to the Department. It approved paying legal fees to its lawyer for working on easements, right-of-ways, surveys, and property purchases involved in the sewer project. Finally, it heard an update on a proposed water project that awaits hearing if a SWIF grant will be approved. The awards were supposed to be announced August 6 but have been pushed back. There is a tight window in which some work must be completed and the Board gave approval to Commonwealth Engineers to begin that work.

The City Council meeting that followed approved a gas tracker for August of a 4.5¢ decrease per hundred cubic feet. The City gave an award to an employee for 20 years of service. The Council approved having Baker-Tilley administer spending from the Federal American Rescue Plan. The City expects $1.2 million but the guideline and regulations must be followed and they seem to be shifting. The Utility Office asked for permission to try outsourcing the printing and mailing of its bills. The equipment they have does not always work correctly and outsourcing may be cheaper. The Council approved. It also approved closing a block of Susan Street for the chicken and noodle dinner of the First Christian Church held during Little Cousin Jasper. This year the dinner will be drive-thru only and the Street will be one-way. When the road through the newest part of Weston Cemetery was built, it was given a base coat with the understanding that it would eventually need a surface coat. The Council approved $57,995 to add the surface coat.

In reports from Superintendents, the Fire Chief reported that the new aerial truck is being built. The new storage building for the Electric Department will use the concrete pad from the previous structure, but that pad was not level, having a foot different from front to back. The Council approved $27,170 for concrete to level it.

The Cemetery was given approval to trade in their center-mounted mower for a front mounted mower. After trade-in, the cost wil be $8850. 

Rensselaer Schools start this week. We are half way between the Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox.

1 comment:

  1. Home Finance was located on Cullen Street in the building that Dr. Hannon has her chiropractor office.


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