Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September is almost gone

On Saturday the almost annual Oktoberfest returned after missing last year. There was a German band early (that occasionally played German music) and another band later when the cool people came (and I had left).

There were fewer food vendors this year and not much German food. 

But do people really come for the food?

On Sunday I went to Chicago for a family event. It reminded me why I am happy to live in Rensselaer.

On Monday the last City Council of September met with a routine agenda. The Council quickly adopted the 2022 budget, passed an ordinance for utility deposits that corrected one number in the old ordinance, transferred some funds, and approved the electric tracker for the fourth quarter, a $3.75 increase per 1000 kilowatt hours. 

Water well #6 has some problems so the Council approved $30989 to clean it. The process will take about a month. It also approved a contract for $24600 for a company that will help the City prepare for the next Community Crossings grant. Tricks or treating will be on October 31 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

In the administrative comments part of the meeting, George Cover wanted to have a dollar amount rather than a percentage amount in the budget for family health insurance for City employees. His request was approved by the Council. Ernst Watson suggested that a door be placed in the hallway of City Hall for security and also Covid reasons. The City Clerk-Treasurer was given permission to advertise for supply bids using the existing specifications. The Mayor ranted about people not getting the Covid vaccine. The Council was reminded it needed to pass a salary ordinance. At this meeting it approved a 2% pay raise, which is what was budgeted in the budget adopted at the beginning of the meeting. 

In Superintendents reports, Police Chief Anderson said that nine people were coming for testing to fill the two empty police positions. There was a brief discussion about trucks diverted from the Interstate, which has happened several times recently. (On Friday southbound traffic came through town most of the morning and half of the afternoon. It was a mess.) The aerial truck that the Fire Department has on order may be delivered by the end of October. A new employee started in the electric utility. Next week there will be people wandering in yards. They are part of the annual survey looking for gas-line leaks. 

The meeting adjourned at 6:35 and the sun was setting. The long days of summer are over, as is most of September.

The renovation of McDonalds continues, with windows being installed last week.

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