Saturday, July 23, 2022

Murals and a ribboncutting


The muralists have been busy in the past couple days.  Below Mr Toledo was working on the mural in front of Ayda's on Wednesday afternoon.

On Friday morning she looked finished. I asked the painter if this was the largest mural he has done and he said it was one of the largest if not the largest that he has done by himself.
On Wednesday evening the artist was working on the buffalo on the back wall of Ayda's.
The mural looked finished on Thursday evening but there was no signature so it may need a few finishing touches.

The abstract mural in the alley has the letters R E N. There was still a lot of work to do on Wednesday.

I think it may have been finished when I stopped by on Friday afternoon. The view below is from the south end of the alley. The view above is from the north end.
On Saturday the Prairie Arts Council will host the Art in the Alley event from 11:00 to 8:00. It will be in the new Filson Park on Kellner Street.

In the evening the muralist will have an event at Markit Arts.  See here.

Ribboncutting for Frida's

On Thursday afternoon the Chamber of Commerce had a ribbon cutting for Frida's, a Mexican restaurant next to the Ritz Theater. Frida's Facebook page is here.

I took a picture of the building earlier in the day when the sun had a better angle.

Park stuff and more

The new tennis courts now have fence posts for the fencing.

There is a new flag pole in Hal Gray Park.
The floor for the restroom expansion next to Staddon Field has been poured

Franciscan Health is hosting a car seat clinic on August 27. Registration is here.

Update: Strong storms bleew through the area this morning. The rain was welcome, but the winds were not. The City crews will be busy next week picking up tree branches. My house lost power for two or three hours.

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