Saturday, July 30, 2022

Pictures from the end of July

County Fair

This past week has been Fair Week. I did not get out to the fair as much this year as I have in the past, but did get some pictures. The carnival this year had three rides that lifted you up.

A ride not on the midway was the barrel ride. It cost $2.00.

Among the 4-H exhibits, the dioramas had more entrants than I remember the Fair ever having.

On Friday the 4-H auction was held. It was not a place to find bargains. I hope when my grandkids have their fair in a far-away state, the prices are as high.
One of the attractions this year was a chain-saw artist.

The artist carving these sculptures was still at work on Friday afternoon.

I went through the Commercial Building and was surprised at how empty it was compared to previous years.

Homecoming 2022 Art Show at Fendig Gallery

The Fendig Gallery has a new show that features five young artists who come from the Rensselaer area.

Two of them are showing fairly traditional art that one can hang on a wall.

Colin Lawrence is showing unusual woodworking and furniture.

More unusual is the work of Austin Polin who decorates helmets.

Even though her bio and artist statement is shown in this picture, I did not get a picture of it. Preston Buck is a clothing designer.

I will try to get the bio and either add it to this post or include it in a future post.

The Fendig Gallery is open on Tuesdays from noon till four and on Thursdays from two till six. The show runs until August 26.

Update: Here is the missing bio.

Other things

The new tennis courts at Brookside Park have fencing. They need to be painted and nets added.

Judging from how often I hear a biplane overhead, the biplane rides at the Jasper County Airport are a big success.

Fenwick Farms officially announced their distillery operation. They have gotten their final permit and can begin operating. The distillery is located in the former gas station on the corner of Weston and Washington.

Healthy Haven has new owners and a new name, S-Blended Nutrition. It will reopen Monday.

Summer is coming to an end for kids. In less than two weeks Rensselaer students will be back in school. I have grandkids who will be back in school in the first week of August.

This is an unusual post: no meetings to report. 

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