Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Saints Day 2022


November has arrived and peak color has departed. Below is the view from the Talbert Bridge. Compare it to the other views in posts here, here, and here.

Last week the City fired up its green monster, the leaf vac. Below is a picture of it with the street sweeper cleaning up leaves on Park Avenue.


Saint Augustine Church hosted a trunk-or-treat event on Sunday evening with a lot of kids and adults in costumes.

In addition to the candy in the parking lot, there were games in the gymnasium, such as bowling and ring toss.

The most amusing was the one where kids had to eat a donut hanging from a string without using their hands.
There were plenty of candy opportunities this year. It is fortunate for the kids that the City Council moved the trick-or-treating time because Saturday evening had nice weather but Monday evening had rain.

The Saint Augustine School kids have a second dress-up day, November 1, All Saints Day, when they dressed up as a favorite saint.

Special County Council meeting

On Friday afternoon the Jasper County Council had a special meeting in the Courthouse to change how the revenues from the local income tax (LIT) are allocated. It had a public hearing, at which the only member of the public in attendance (me) had nothing to say, and then voted to reduce the tax going to public safety from .3925% to .3725% and increased the tax going to emergency medical services from 0% to .02%. The income tax rate that people will pay will stay the same at 2.864%.

This is a step in establishing funding for EMS and I suspect that it will be changed in the upcoming years. The change will take effect January 1, 2023 and the Council will be able to spend the money beginning in 2024. 

The details of the ordinance are given in the agenda for the meeting, available here.

Other things

Part of Cullen Street got a new surface last week. It was milled on one day

and resurfaced on a second day.

The parade route for the Christmas parade in December will be flipped this year, starting on the north and ending on the south. Santa will end the parade in Potawatomie Park where various activities are planned.

The last farmers market was held this past Saturday. There were only five or six vendors and fewer customers while I was there. Another sign that winter is coming.

I mentioned a cross country result in the last post. Morgan Township, which finished second in the semi-state meet, only managed a 19th of 24 finish in the state finals. The other teams from the New Prairie Semi-State placed 7th (Valparaiso), 20, 21, 23, & 24. That indicates that the girls New Prairie Semi-State is the weakest of the four. I recall it as being a very strong semi-state a couple decades ago when I was paying a lot of attention to cross country.

Update: S-blended Nutrition announced on Facebook that it would soon be moving down the block to where Sage Bridal Studio is now. More details are expected soon.

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