Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April leaves, May enters (updated with primary election results.)

 Commissioners meeting 

The County  Commissioners met for their May meeting on Monday morning. There were no buried cable commit permits. First on the agenda was a request from animal control to construct fenced-in dog runs. The request was approved. Rein Bontreger agreed to represent the Commissioners on the newly formed Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council. The Health Department had a vacancy on its board and recommended that Dan Perkins fill the vacancy. The commissioners approved. The Health Department also wanted landscaping done and the Commissioners approved landscaping for the east side of the building.

The Commissioners approved the County Clerk's request to fill a vacancy in the microfilm records department. The Surveyor's office had a quote to begin work in locating and replacing lost section corner markers. The Commissioners approved the request, which is not to exceed $11,380.

Sheriff Williamson received permission to fill the position of a correctional officer. The position had just been filled but the new employee lasted only three days. He also had three quotes for purchasing an x-ray machine. The purpose is to check inmates and people coming into the jail for things hidden inside their bodies. Drugs are smuggled into the jail in the stomach or other body cavities. The commissioners approved one of the quotes. Before the machine is ordered, the Council will have to make an appropriation.

The commissioners heard a presentation for 12 new microphones for the meeting room. Hopefully the new microphones will make the Zoom sessions work better. Two bids were open for road construction materials. Both were accepted and the county will use the cheaper source unless it is not available. The County received notice that it will receive $1 million for the crossroads road construction grants and would like to open bids for the project in June. The commissioners approved two contracts, one for services that will aid the auditor and the other for help with tax sales.

The highway department found a quote of $54,455 for repairing the roof of its salt storage building in the northern part of the County. The commissioners approved it. At the last Airport Authority Commission meeting, the Commission recommended against putting a shooting range on airport property and the Commissioners agreed with that recommendation.

The most interesting part of the meeting came in the public-comment section. An individual from Indianapolis wants to build a new business producing biochar from animal waste. He said he needed about 20 acres of land for the project and had already signed up two farms for cow manure. Eventually he said the biochar may be used to produce hydrogen. It seemed to me that the whole project is geared to collect carbon credits and offsets much like the bp proposal to sequester CO2 underground.

The meeting was recessed until May 15 at 8:30 if needed.

Drainage Board

The agenda of the Drainage Board was very short so instead of waiting until the afternoon for its meeting, the Board met a few minutes after the Commissioners meeting recessed. The Board approved the April minutes, changed the date for the public hearing on various ditch projects from June 29 to Jun 21 starting at 9:00, and approved an easement variance request in the DeMotte industrial park so Kalma Cabinets can connect to the sewer line.

Rensselaer Park Board

The Rensselaer Park Board meeting began with an interesting and unusual request. Preston Buck, who was mentioned in a post last year about an art show at the Fendig Gallery, has started a fashion company and would like to have a fashion show in Milroy Park on June 17. The show would have a theme related to mythology, would charge admission, and be held in the evening. The Board approved her request but told her she should also run the idea past the City Council next Monday. 

A basketball backboard at Foundation Park was destroyed and the Board discussed options to replace it. They considered going to a metal backboard rather than a glass one, but ultimately decided to replace it with a glass one. They reviewed 2022 finances and decided to increase most concession prices at the Blacker Fields. They voted to create a budget committee that will put together a budget in January. Finally, they increased pool admittance fees. The family pass will be $80, the single pass $35, and the daily pass $5. For some reason the number of family passes has fallen sharply from the 2019 levels. 

PAC art show

The Fendig Gallery is hosting the 30th Anniversary PAC Members Show until June 1. The show features original work by members of the Prairie Art Council. This year artists were encouraged to enter works inspired by the work of Lillian Fendig. Below is a sample of the many impressive works on display.

This is a carved gourd.

It is impressive that this small community has as many talented artists as it has.

The Gallery is open on Tuesdays from noon till four and on Thursdays from two to six.

Other things

I stopped by the construction site of the new ambulance building on Thursday. No walls up yet but the floor has been poured.

On the way there I noticed that the south entrance to the Fairgrounds has been paved. At one of the meetings I attended I heard mention that the paving was scheduled, but it was still a surprise to see the result.

The construction trailers have been removed from the site of the new lift station on Lincoln Street. The heavy machinery is still there and there is still some construction activity going on.

The Fendig Children's Theater will be presenting The Music Man this July 13-15. 

The Briar Patch finished its going-out-of-business sale and has vacated the building. There will be a new business, the Sorrel & Rye Mercantile, moving into the space. The owner had run the business for 17 years, though not always at the Rutsen Street location. She said that it was time to retire so she could spend more time with her six grandchildren.

Today is primary election day for municipal offices. Perhaps I will post an update tomorrow with results.

Primary Election results are here.

Jeff Phillips defeated Scott Barton to become the Republican candidate for Mayor. In Council District 1 Kevin Armold defeated Frieda Bretzinger and in Council district 3 Zyan Miller defeated incumbent George Cover. All the other races were uncontested. 

1 comment:

  1. It’s really sad to see how small the turnout is when it comes time to vote,instead of complaining on Facebook get out and VOTE!!!


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