Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Short meetings and a lot of pictures

A lot of homes have Halloween decorations. The picture below is the decoration that I find the most impressive. 

The house has two of these. Here is the other.

Board of Public Works

The Rensselaer Board of Public Works met Monday and approved four invoices. Two were for the new lift station and unsewered areas project: a pay request #17 from Theineman for $125,737.60 and an invoice from Commonwealth Engineering for $2,282.48. The other two were for the water utility improvements, one from Maguire Iron for $61,750 and the other from Grimmer Construction for $382,939. Mcguire Iron is building the water tower by the interstate that has the foundation and underground piping finished and Grimmer Construction is replacing lead water lines on Weston and Van Rensselaer. These two invoices are sent to SRF (the State Revolving Fund loan program) for disbursement. The other item approved was a promotion for a fireman from intern to probationary status.

City Council

The Rensselaer City Council also met on Monday evening. It approved the 2024 City Budget and also the gas tracker for October, which will reflect a 21¢ increase per hundred cubic feet of usage. 

In administrative comments it was reported that the railroad will soon begin work on the McKinley Street crossing. A committee to prepare the salary ordinance for the next meeting was appointed. Water in Weston Cemetery has been shut off for the winter. Mr Armold wants a person from Baker Tilly to attend a meeting and give a presentation about budgets for the utilities. The Capital asset assessment is a couple weeks from being finished.

In superintendents' reports the Police Chief announced that one of his officers was leaving and he would start the search for a replacement. A lawsuit has been filed in court about a Front Street property that was discussed at a recent Council meeting. The Planning officer reviewed an ordinance that comes from the Planning Commission about swimming pools, lots, and residences in business districts. It will be presented to the Council for approval at the next Council meeting.

The Fire Chief asked the Council to approve $3900 for design planning from Commonwealth Engineering. It will do everything needed to be ready for bid on the local contribution to the new fire training tower that the State will build behind the Fire Station. The cost to the City of the foundation and the water main needed is about $250,000 and the Chief has commitments for most of that amount. The State has changed the design of the tower to be built. It will now be bigger than originally planned. This Thursday from 6:00 to 8:00 the Fire Department will have an open house for Fire Prevention week.

Lenny Larson was honored with the Frank F Rudolph award from the Indiana Muncipal Electric Association and the Mayor read the award. Rensselaer is one of 19 finalists from some recycling grant.

New sidewalks have been poured along Weston Street from Rutsen to Grace and the street has been milled and is awaiting repaving.

Airport Authority meeting

The October meeting of the Airport Authority was unusually short. Repainting of runway markings is complete. There will be a Trick-or-Treat-at-the-Scairport event on October 21 from 1:00 until 3:00. There are now two flight instructors giving lessons. The members discussed fees for aerial applicators (crop dusters) and that will probably result in an item on the agenda of the next meeting. And there was a discussion of a replacement for a member of the Authority who will be resigning in the near future. 

At the Fendig Gallery

The new art exhibit at the Fendig Gallery is the "Fendig Inspired" Jasper County Art League Member Show. It runs until November 2. The Gallery is open on Tuesdays from noon until 4:00 and on Thursdays from 2:00 until 6:00.


The Tourism Commission did not have an October meeting. They could not get a quorum.

The Carnegie Players is holding auditions for its next play, A Christmas Carol.

Saint Joseph's College has a new newsletter available that has some interesting items.

Mt Ayr is dedicating a disc golf course.

Remington is ready to move into its new town hall. The town remodeled a bank building.

We have had a couple of mornings where temperature got low enough for some patchy frost.  However, it did not get cold enough to damage any of the frost-sensitve plants in my backyard garden.

The concrete floor has been installed in the shelter at Filson Park and when I was by on Tuesday work had started on the plumbing for the restrooms. Here is a picture from Wednesday.

Finally, here are a few more pictures from the Scarecrow Trail. The first is from the Little Cousin Jasper Festival and it cackles at you. (There is a witch behind the window.)

Bombers for Academic Excellance.

The Rensselaer Fire Department.

From Donaldsons
From Psi Iota Xi

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