Friday, January 26, 2024

A slow week

 Weather rollercoaster

This week the bitter cold ended and rain began. On Tuesday area schools were canceled because of concerns about the weather. The temperature rose above freezing but apparently many County roads were still icy and the forecast for the afternoon was heavy fog. I drove to Lafayette in the late morning and there was light rain the whole way. At the 205 entrance to I-65 and for several miles further south there were many large potholes. Coming home a few hours later I saw a crew filling them and they backed up traffic for at least a mile.

We have had light rain and fog for most of the week and most of the snow is gone. The Iroquois River has risen and may reach flood stage.

A government agency tracks the ice cover on the Great Lakes. At the beginning of January it was almost zero but then with the cold it rapidly rose to 16% on January 22 and has since dropped with the warmer weather. 

Water tank

On Thursday the water tank was being put together. Here are some pictures from a video that the City of Rensselaer has on its Facebook page.

A few years ago I might have gone out to see the work but as I get older I am less and less adventurous. 

Something from the distant past

Wolves were once common in Jasper County and the County paid a bounty on them. Here is an article from the Evening Republican of February 12, 1914 page 4.

On the same page was this little bit that made me smile.

Both of these were found using the Hoosier State Chronicles.

It has been an uneventful week and I expect next week to be the same.


  1. Do you know what school the stuffed wolf was donated to? My family is from the Hebron/Boone Grove area so I am curious.


  2. Do you know what school the taxidermied wolf was donated to?

    Also, I grew up in the Hebron/Boone Grove area and am curious if you knew what the last Wolf (and Bear) was killed in this area?


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