Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A couple of extra meetings

 Continued Commissioners meeting

The County Commissioners met in a continuation of their June meeting on Monday at 8:30 am. They approved the signing of a letter of commitment for FMLA training for department heads that will be done by outside consultants and will review Federal regulations. It may be scheduled for August. The Commissioners announced that BF&S will be appointed construction compliance monitor for the proposed SolarPac solar farm and they approved a conference request from the County Clerk. Community Corrections had some fee increases that the Commissioners approved. The Commissioners also approved a printer lease agreement that they had discussed early in June but had neglected to vote on the matter.

They then held a public hearing for an ordinance to make the intersection of CR 800N and CR 400W a four-way stop. It currently has stop signs only on CR 800N. On May 22 an accident at this intersection left one young man dead and two others severely injured. About fifteen people spoke, all in favor of adding stop signs on CR 400W. Some had close relatives involved in the accident and were emotional. The intersection is apparently a blind intersection with bushes obscuring the view of those who stop on 800N. Some of the speakers said that there have been numerous accidents at this intersection and many people considered it dangerous. When everyone who wanted to speak had spoken, the Commissioners approved the ordinance. A stop sign will be put up immediately along with stop-ahead signs. When signs with solar-powered lights arrive, they will replace the conventional stop signs. Also, the County will remove obstructing bushes at no cost to the landowners if the landowners are willing to have them removed.

Before the people who had come for the public hearing left, Mr Bontreger told them if residents think there is a dangerous intersection, they should get a petition and have as many people as possible sign it. A petition is much more effective than a solo complaint. Most of the room cleared out but remained outside talking. The hearing and the aftermath seemed to be therapeutic for some of the people who came to the meeting.

The Sheriff was next on the agenda. He said he has a report showing where accidents have happened and will share it with the Commissioners and the Highway Department. He noted that traffic patterns are changing as the north of the County suburbanizes. The County has narrow right-of-ways along some roads that were originally lightly traveled.

The leak in the jail roof was due to the chiller on the roof. It is old and will soon need to be replaced and the Sheriff would like the new chiller to be on the ground where it would not cause roof damage. Trane has sought quotes for the project and it will cost about $725,000. The new chiller should have a life expectancy of 20 years. The best time to install it would be in the winter and the goal is to have it ready for next summer. There was a brief discussion of what fund to tap to make the change. The Commissioners passed a motion to proceed but the project needs the Council to appropriate the funds.

There was a discussion of how best to maintain the x-ray machine at the jail. One option is to pay for maintenance and repairs as needed and the other was to sign a five-year maintenance agreement for $50,000. The Commissioners passed a motion to sign the five-year contract pending Council approval.

To end the meeting the comments were read that had been submitted via the Internet but not read earlier in the month because that meeting had lasted so long. Most of the comments opposed solar and wind projects.

Tourism Commission meeting

The  Tourism Commission held a second June meeting to discuss the proposed mural on the Rensselaer water tower at the SR-114/I-65 intersection. Some of the questions that had been raised at the first meeting were answered in an email that had been sent to members and the members had received a letter of support for the project from the City of Rensselaer. The project will be using special paint that is the same kind of paint used to paint the water tower. It is important to paint the mural while the tank is empty to avoid condensation issues and it is also important to paint it before the paint on the tower ages. The City of Rensselaer will help with funding. The members, most of whom were on Zoom, approved the proposal to spend $40,000 for this project.

Before the meeting adjourned there was a brief discussion of Placer AI. There was uncertainty of how it could be used given that there were legal constraints in the contract that do not allow the data to aid private businesses unless the data is in some kind of report. There were also questions if other companies could provide a similar service.

County Council meeting

The Jasper County Council met for its June meeting on Tuesday evening. They will use the same public comment form that the Commissioners are using for those who cannot attend a meeting but want to comment on some matter.

The Council had several additional appropriations on its agenda. It approved $16,000 to purchase kitchen appliances for Community Corrections and $60,000 for an account used when the State Board of Accounts audits Jasper County government units. Much of the money paid out of this account will be reimbursed. An appropriation of $6,922.15 for equipment for the Surveyor was approved, as was $50,000 for start-up costs for the Convention Connection Center. The Convention Center appropriation raised concerns that it might invite other organizations to be requesting money for similar purposes. The big additional appropriation of the evening was $2,993,421.32 to help the City of Rensselaer extend sewer and water west of I-65. This funding comes from ARP funds that the County received and there is a time limit on when they must be spent. 

The Council amended the Salary Ordinance to include a salary of a recently hired Deputy Sheriff. The next meeting will be on July 16, with a joint Commissioner/Council meeting before the regular Council meeting. Before adjournment there was a discussion of a need to tweak tax rates so that the money goes to funds that need more and away from funds that need less.

Odd and ends

The summer solstice is Thursday.

On Tuesday a concrete floor was being poured in the old light plant. 

Over the weekend it appeared that the Brick Street project was ready to pour the sidewalk on Van Rensselaer next to the Court House.

But the first bit of sidewalk poured was on the other side of the street.

This week the Rensselaer Regional Soccer Club has a camp with out-of-town instructors.

The LaRue Pool is open and is planning its first dollar day on June 19. The Parks are planning a dedication ceremony on June 21 at 11:00 for the HYPER Center.

The Carnegie Players are presenting "An Evening with George Ade" on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 pm in the basement of St. Augustine Church. Tickets are $8 and sold at the door.

1 comment:

  1. what is the Convention Center? And where is it to be located at?


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