Friday, September 5, 2008

Busy Tuesday Night

(This was originally published on August 5, 2008 on

Most nights are pretty tame in Rensselaer, but this Tuesday there were two special events in Rensselaer. First, there was the fifth special Tuesday night Farmers’ Market, which the main street group has organized to bring a bit of life back to the downtown. It drew a reasonable number of people, many buying fresh fruits and vegetables.
There was a bluegrass group providing entertainment on the steps of the courthouse, and it was a nice event. I did not buy anything--my garden is finally producing.

Meanwhile, at Brookside Park the annual cookout with the cops was taking place.
This draws a bigger crowd because there is free entry to the pool and you can get a free hotdog, chips, and drink.
The best displays were not by the police, but by the fire department.

The highlight of the evening was the arrival of a medevac helicopter. Here it is coming in past the raised aerial ladder truck.
And once on the ground it draws a big crowd of kids and some adults.
But soon people are back in the pool enjoying the water on a hot, humid evening.

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