Friday, September 5, 2008

Footbridge part 1

(This was originally posted on on August 13, 2008.)

A couple weeks ago activity in the local Weston Cemetery caught my interest. City workers were clearing trees and bushes around the proposed site for a footbridge across the Iroquois River. This site is almost half a mile from the nearest bridge and would give walkers, and hopefully bikers, a shortcut in crossing the river.

The site has been marked with pegs for about a year. Before the city could put in the bridge, it needed approval from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and they are not speedy. The workmen, on the other had, were. They quickly cleared the site.
And the next day they began to pour concrete for the footings.
Pouring concrete actually took several days. First they poured a footing in the ground with rebar sticking out. Then they poured more above ground, first on the south side and then on the north side.
I think they did the two sides separately because that way they only needed to construct one form.
The site now looks ready to receive the bridge itself. I do not know when it will appear or what it will look like, but I will post something when further progress is made. (Can you see that we had a heavy rain between the time these two pictures were taken?)

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