Thursday, January 15, 2009

A morning jog

I start some mornings by jogging twenty or thirty minutes. Given the sedentary nature of the rest of my day, it gives me some much-needed exercise. It also gives me an opportunity to see things that I would otherwise not see. For example, on recent morning I was jogging along at 5 miles per hour near the Court House and I saw two truck at the stop sign. I whipped out my camera, but the light changed, and I only got one of them.
What, you wonder, is so special about this truck? Here is a closer look.
Dozens of these Marina trucks go through Rensselaer every day. They carry trash, and if you sniff the air after they pass by, you can verify that fact. I am not sure if they are coming down US 421 and then head over to the Newton County landfill, or if they come from Interstate 65 and are headed for a landfill near Buffalo. (If you know, put the answer in the comments.)

Continuing on my way, I meandered to the hospital to see how construction was going. They had a shell up and some guys were working on electrical connections.

They have made a lot of progress since the last time I was there with a camera, in early December.

After navigating around fences to take pictures, I headed north on Melville. North of the Van Rensselaer Grade School I saw a house that looks deserted and is surrounded by disturbed ground. I do not know what is happening here, either. My guess is that this house will soon be torn down, but for what reason?
I messed up the picture with my glove, but I did not want to go back and take the picture again.

Some people like to listen to music when they run. (What I do is not real running--it is more of a fast shuffle.) I find there are always so many interesting things to see wherever I go that I prefer not to be distracted with music.


  1. The dilapidated house on Melville Street is being torn down for two reasons: 1. it needs to be - no insulation at all and even though it looks two story, it is only one... you can only imagine where all the heat goes in the winter; and 2. the owner is supposedly going to build a complex of duplexes on the property.

  2. What kind of garbage do these trucks carry? Why smell them?


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