Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sledding hill

The hill in Weston Cemetery proved to be an attractive sledding hill on Sunday morning. The sledders went fast enough to slide over the road and get the final three foot drop at the bottom.According to the city website, this hill is the high point in Rensselaer. The field at the bottom is one of the low points because it floods when the river gets high. In fact, there have been winters in which the flood water in the field freezes, creating excellent ice-skating rink.


  1. That hill looked so much larger when I was a little kid. If only I could have seen the hills around here!

    I remember making a ramp of snow at the bottom of the hill so that when you hit it you would fly out into the frozen field. We were obviously young because my back couldn't take that kind of abuse now.

    Rensselaer definitely needs a real sledding hill. Maybe they can create one in the empty Brookside Park lot behind the tennis courts?

  2. I thought I was crazy for trying to sled down the deck's stairs, but apparently, that was as much of an elevation drop as the cemetery hill! Things look smaller than they used to.


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