Monday, March 23, 2009

After the equinox

The warm weather the past weekend had a lot of people thinking spring. People were lined up at Busy Bee on its first weekend.
I saw daffodils blooming, though mine are not. My crocuses are finally blooming, though.Lots of kids and some adults were riding bikes or strolling around in the streets. I saw people with their grills fired up and smoking, and there were people in the parks playing ball, both softball and basketball.
There were also people in the park shelter eating. Soon the park people will be putting out more garbage cans, another sign of the end of winter. It is always fun to see the little kids playing on the playground equipment.
A final sign of spring--WalMart is selling manure. (I wonder if the people who live in Washington D.C. get it free.)
I have seen wood ducks and heard red wing blackbirds and killdeers. One sound of spring that I have not heard yet is the sound of mating frogs and toads. Maybe I do not live near the right ponds. I remember hearing them before the ice had melted when I was in school in Minnesota.


  1. "A final sign of spring--WalMart is selling manure. (I wonder if the people who live in Washington D.C. get it free.)"


    D.C. and Illinois!


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