Friday, June 5, 2009

Monnett mystery solved

A comment on this blog said that something interesting would be happening at Monnett School on Thursday, so I went over to see what could be seen. Luck was with me. There was a fifteen minute window to see the whole story, and I hit that window.

When I got there, I saw the assistant superintendent, Ed Habrowski, standing on the corner looking to the south. I stopped and asked what was happening, and he told me that he was waiting for two trucks hauling a modular building. A few minutes later they appeared and turned onto Grove Street.
These two sections will be combined into one, and two more sections will be delivered later. The two modular buildings will be located to the south of the administration building and the new parking lot that is under construction. So the post that said the alternative school was going to be constructed was correct, it just misplaced the site by a hundred feet.

Because the foundations are not in place for these buildings, they were deposited in the Monnett School parking lot.
It did not take long for the trucks to unhook their loads and leave. The two bushes in the picture below are where the new buildings will be placed. One will be perpendicular to the highway, the other parallel with it, so that they will form an L.
The trucks are off to haul something else. I guess this post could have been one of my deliverance posts.
In mid afternoon I saw a paving machine driving through town in the direction of Monnett School. My guess was that it had finished paving the Kirby Risk lot and was headed over to the RCSC administrative building. When I went over in the evening, expecting to see the machine ready to work on Friday, I found that it had already completed its job.
Update: This afternoon (Friday, June 5, 2009), the paver crew returned to the RCSC administrative building to put on a final layer parking lot.


  1. more blogabilities coming this week..... will dessert survivor be up to the challenge?

  2. Probably not.

    I did notice that the two bushes have been removed. Maybe my picture was the last picture of them alive.


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