Monday, January 4, 2010

Ad bench

Have you ever noticed the this bench by Save-A-Lot and wondered how it got there? A company in Mayfield, Kentucky (near Paducah) places these benches in Rensselaer and many other cities and towns. They sell advertising, and the ads pay for the bench. They also have to come to some agreement with the store where the bench is located, and I do not know what kind of arrangement is made there. Those that advertise on the bench get their ads displayed for two years. At the end of that time, the bench will be removed and replaced with a new one with new ads. This bench was placed here in October 2009, so it should remain until October 2011.

Notice that one of the ad spots is empty. Perhaps the slow economy has encouraged companies to cut ad budgets. Or perhaps there are other reasons for it.

There is also an ad bench by Family Dollar, but I do not know if it is put there by the same company. There similar bench by County Market, but the ads on this bench should have expired and the bench should have been removed. I do not know why it has not been renewed. Devon's Restaurant has a non-ad bench next to its front door. I do not know why they do not replace it with an ad bench. So many questions and so few answers.

Advertising is a big business. Even this blog earns a tiny amount with advertising--have you ever noticed the Google ads? It is those Google ads that make Google the powerhouse company that it is--it is their main source of income.

1 comment:

  1. Those Webpage Ads drive me up the wall when they are so overdone as to be intrusive. Especially the ones with flashing colors and moving objects. Such ads have made me leave the site (without bookmarking it) in disgust. The ones on your site are tastefully positioned and therefore not irritating.

    Just my opinion.



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