Friday, January 22, 2010

Inside the Slice

I mentioned earlier that A Slice of Pie Pizza was open. I stopped by several days ago in the late afternoon when there were only a few people there. One crowd had just left and the next one had not yet arrived, so I could visit and take some pictures.
The kitchen area sure looks different from the last picture I posted. I wanted to take a picture of the other half of the kitchen area, but was told not to because they were making their garlic bread. The garlic bread has been a very popular item on the menu.
I did not have a whole lot of time to talk before more customers began to arrive. I did learn that few people are buying slices of pizza--people are used to buying whole pizzas. The owners and the staff are still climbing the learning curve--they are not yet comfortably in a routine. I wondered how they were affecting business at Ayda's, and they did not have an answer. (I suppose I could ask at Ayda's, but that would be rude and I might not get an answer there either.) I want to see Ayda's thrive--I think they fill a niche in the market. 

Lots of things in Slice of Pie Pizza have stories to them. The painting of an Italian street scene came from Jasper Junction's fortnightly flea market in the old Schumacher building (which was open on January 16, by the way). The waste receptacle came from someplace in Indianapolis--maybe it was from a restaurant in the old airport. The restroom has the strangest sink I have ever seen in a restaurant restroom.
Fast food has a lot of turnover, and already one of the first employees left for a higher paying job. However, with the labor market as it is, they should be able to hire good help. (I recall talking to the owner of an area restaurant about ten years ago when unemployment was exceptionally low, and he said it was really hard to find dependable workers. I have not seen him lately, but he should be pretty happy with the pool he can chose from now. Of course, he probably is unhappy with the level of business, but you cannot have everything.)

If you have eaten there, what did you think of the food and the experience? (There are already a number of reviews on their facebook page.)


  1. We finally had a chance to eat at The Slice. We had a 1/2 cheese and 1/2 chicken and spinach. I loved the cheese, and my husband said that it may be his new favorite pizza in town!

  2. Am very impressed with the quality and the quantity of food. However, I did notice the other night that prices have already gone up. Pizza has a similar taste to "Little Caesar's" with a higher quality (and more delicious) crust. The garlic rolls are fabulous. Spaghetti and chicken alfredo have also received rave reviews from my family. I truly hope Slice of Pie and Ayda's can survive in that terrible location. Parking is a nightmare, but the food is so good. I wonder how rent compared at the old Doghouse. Seems one of them could prosper there. Ideally, both should be out by Fountain Stone, but that's just my humble opinion.

  3. The former owner of the painting was my late grandpa Geleott who recently passed away. He would be proud that it made it to an Italian restaurant because he was Italian and loved his spaghetti and anything italian and spicy.


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