Saturday, January 2, 2010

Remodeling the theater lobby at SJC

A few months ago I attended one of the SJC plays and noticed that they had a horse in the display case. I took a picture because I knew that sooner or later I would put it on this blog.

This display case is in the theater lobby, which is undergoing very slow renovation. The floor tile has been installed, though it does not look completed to me. A new false ceiling in being installed, as you can see from the picture below taken on the stairs in front of the theater lobby. The lights are still improvised.
When you are on these stairs, there is a scary view when you look down. Do they still make staircases like this?
Also in the stairwell is scaffolding to repair or repaint the walls.
The first floor of the science building, now called the Evans Arts and Science Building, was renovated several years ago. Someone, and I forget who, told me that the lighting fixtures in the theater lobby would be similar to what is now on the first floor.
By the way, some of the choir members at Saint Joes told me that the spring musical will be "The 25th Annual Putman County Spelling Bee." I had never heard of it before, but looked it up on the Internet here and here and it looks intriguing. I am not sure what the dates are, but will post it on the bulletin board when I learn more. SJC has enough musical and acting talent to put on a good show, and college kids should have fun playing middle-schoolers.


  1. Wow! Things sure have changed at St. Joe since I was a student (89-93)! I had my first class in the science building theater...core I. Oh the memories!

  2. What is the story of that horse skeleton?

  3. Ginger was professor Neal Haskell's horse. She died prematurely after an illness and a number of biology students at SJC have worked for about 4 years to clean the bones and put them together.


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