Saturday, April 10, 2010

Little Shop of Horrors

The high school is still showing the musical play Little Shop of Horrors this weekend. We went to the Thursday night production, the first one. There were some technical glitches, including part of the set collapsing, but they did a good job for the first night.
In the picture above it looks like the show had lots of parts, but actually there were only a few that were meaningful. Because more students wanted to be in it than the cast needed, some of the female roles have one person playing the role on Thursday and Sunday and another on Friday and Saturday.

The demented dentist is one of the best roles in the play. Here the dentist is about to die because he cannot get his gas mask off.
One of the stars of the show is Audrey II, the carnivorous plant. Two big models of the plant were built.
After Audrey II eats a body, it grows, and the larger model is on stage.
It is a fun play even if they do not live happily ever after. There is a performance tonight (Saturday) at 7:00 and a final performance Sunday at 2:00. The cost of admission for an adult is $7.00.

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