Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jail breaking

This week the demolition of the jail began. The people doing the deconstruction specialize in tearing down buildings, but the one workman I talked to said that he had never done a jail before.
They had a little machine on the roof tearing off the insulation and the sealant.
It was a rather slow process because they were trying to salvage as much as they could, but it does not look like they found too much worth salvaging when they took off the facing of the building.
On Friday a crane was lifting off the concrete sections of the roof. The guys on the roof had a saw to cut the various sections apart. I assume that they want to do something with these sections or else they would not be taking the effort to remove them in this way.
The show should continue for a few more days. When they get the shell demolished, they will have to work on the jail bars that are embedded in concrete. Jails are constructed a lot more solidly than most other buildings.
I have not heard of anyone who is sad to see this structure disappear. It was nothing special architecturally, it was not very old, and there probably are not a lot of happy memories associated with it.

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