Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More jail demolition

The old jail is gone. The demolition that began in June has been completed, though the site may still need some work.

A day or two after my June post, they had ripped out the bars in the east end of the jail. A person I know bought some of them. The rest probably ended up in the scrap yard.
Here the excavator is filling a truck with metal from the old jail. They sprayed a lot of water to keep the dust down, but you could still smell some of it when you got close.
There was a lot of metal in the building, but sorting it took some time and effort.
I never was in the old jail, so I did not see their welcome sign until it was exposed by the demolition.
I had heard from someone who toured the jail shortly before demolition that there was interesting graffiti, and this may be some of it.
A person I know wondered if demolishing the flag would cause any problems.
They did not seem to pay much attention, though the operator of the claw could not see it from his vantage point.
 He was more interested in ripping out a metal table and setting it neatly down in the metal pile.
And here is my best shot of the wall with the flag being knocked down. Again, notice the ever-present water man.


  1. What is your associate going to do with the prison bars he got?

  2. Nice picture of the American flag juxtaposed with a Daewoo excavator.


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