Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Signs and other stuff

It is time for another lame post that meanders all over the place.

Last week I noticed that the city had painted a bunch of handicapped signs for parking downtown. This one is in front of the court house.
A bit down the street is another sign, announcing the upcoming production of The Wind and the Willows by the Fendig Summer Theater for Children.
That is just one of the various events in the area scheduled for the end of this week. On July 9 and 10 Kentland has something called the Midwest Sky Fest at the Kentland Airport, and on July 10 JC Cruisers present the 25th annual car show and cruise night. The car show is in the afternoon at Brookside Park and the cruise is in the evening on West Washington and College from 6:00 to 9:00pm. Francesvill has its Spirit Day or Townwide garage sale on July 10. And the Newton County "Pun'kin Vine" Fair kicks off on the 10th and runs until the 17th.

About a week ago this truck was delivering a piano to the Core Building. It heralded the start of the Summer Music Program at SJC, its 50th year. It began June 28 and finishes up July 30. I cannot find any recitals on the calendar, but if they do have one, it is worth going to because there are some talented musicians in the group. Update: The concert will be on Saturday, July 24 at 7:00 pm in the College Chapel.
Also a week or two ago SJC had one of their days on which incoming freshmen could preregister for the fall. The class of 2014 is about to get started.
But they will start without me. This is what my office looked like last week as I turned in my office keys. My name is off the door and people kept saying good-bye as if they would never see me again. What do they know that I do not?
(When I got my first office at SJC in 1974, it had a chair and a desk that had been removed from a student dormitory because it was not good enough for the students. I did not have a file cabinet. However in the next few years I was able to scavenge office furniture as most of the third floor of Gaspar emptied out. By the time I got to the Core building about fifteen years ago, I had four file cabinets, two large desks, six bookcases, and three chairs (none of them very nice). And I filled it all. So emptying out the office was a long, boring, and painful experience. A lot of paper went into the recycling bin. And I was happy to see that a new generation of scavengers was active, as three bookcases, two chairs, and one file cabinet were picked up by various faculty members.)

1 comment:

  1. The Local EAA Chapter is also holding a fly-in at the Jasper County Airport. It is not as extensive as the Kentland event. I hear they are having a pork chop dinner.


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