Friday, August 13, 2010

Last days and first days

The LaRue pool is now closed during the week, though it will be open on weekends until August 29. Below is the scene about an hour before closing on Wednesday.
It closed because school opened. I just happened to go past Monnett as the students were arriving. There were lots of cars as parents dropped off little Dick and Jane so that they could start Kindergarten.
I do not remember anything at all about Kindergarten. Oh, wait. That is because I never went to Kindergarten. Back when I was a kid, we were all so smart that they just threw us into first grade. I think Truman was still president at the time, so it was a while ago. Actually, I remember very little about first grade except that my teacher's name was Miss Posthumous, which my parents thought was a hysterically funny name. Eventually I figured out why. (I do not know if it was actually spelled that way, but it was pronounced Post-hume-us.)

The SJC students are not back yet, except for the football players who have been on campus since Sunday. They are practicing in the early morning. The heat must be worse for them than for the cross country runners. The footballers have to wear a lot of equipment and clothing, while the runners are able to run around almost naked.
Speaking of runners, the hospital website has the results for last weeks JCHA 5K. And on Saturday Demotte has the Rotary Ramble, the biggest 5K in the area and traditionally the last 5K race that the high school kids could run in. Usually, though, it was held before school started.

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