Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little Cousin Jasper Parade

One of the highlights of the Little Cousin Jasper Festival was the parade held on Saturday. Last year I posted a video of the parade, but this year I just have stills and comments.

One of the first entries was the old firetruck from 1920 that the Rensselaer Fire Department has. This vehicle was on display at the Jasper County Fair, and I recall that on the Saturday after this year's fair, it stalled out as it was being driven back to Rensselaer. Apparently it was not fixed very well because it sounded as if it was ready to stall again and it emitted some horrible fumes. I wondered if the guys marching along side it were there to push if it had problems.
Not far behind was another reminder of the fair--the Jasper County Fair queen and court on riding lawn mowers. Before the parade began the girls were having fun making the mowers pivot in circles.
The Rensselaer Central marching band was the first of the three bands in the parade.
Behind the band were a line of tractors and then a Shriner's Van. What happened to the Shriners who used to ride the funny little vehicles. They used to be a stable in all parades.

(It is nice to see the Shriners still participating because they support a wonderful cause. Shriners Hospital in Chicago was there when we needed them and I will be thankful for their help to the day I die.)
About a zillion little girls who want to be cheerleaders were in the parade, and then after them a bunch of boys who I think are Pop Warner football.
I had a number of pictures of the Saint Joseph's College marching band, but then I found this youtube video mentioned on Facebook. (Thanks, Richard.)

The SJC band used to perform on the stage during the festival, but did not this year and probably not last year. It would be nice to see either the whole band or parts of it performing next year. SJC also has some talented singers--maybe some of them could make a few extra bucks performing.

Francisville's antique firetruck is not as old as Rensselaer's truck, but it works much better.
By the way, next weekend is Francisville's Fall Festival. From the schedule of events, it seems to be much like the Little Cousin Jasper Festival. I would like to go, but do not know if I will be able.

The last band in the parade was the South Newton marching band.
Almost at the end of the parade were the king and queen of this year's festival.
There were a lot of other floats and entries, but not a single horse. Shouldn't there be a few horses in a Rensselaer parade?

Update: I forgot to mention that I was watching from near Busy Bee, which closed for the winter on Sunday, another sign that summer is over.


  1. No horses in the Little Cousin Jasper parade? Ouch! One could always depend (in 'the good old days') on Lee Kiger. Whitey Williams, and a passel of farm-kids to be riding a horse or driving a horse-drawn wagon. What's this world a'comin' to anyways?

  2. A great video of the SJC band! Great shots of the crowd in downtown Rensselaer. It was a very nice weekend.


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